Thursday 22 May 2008


Have invested many years studying and practicing ways to quieten the 'monkey mind' , "The mischievous mind", "The sly man", " The restless, wandering mind " . There are so many expressions for this phenomena, so many technics available to help accomplish more tranquility and understanding about it's nature. Three areas come to mind, in fact I have and
continue to try to get more clarity on how and why they are so dynamic when practiced and integrated together throughout the day. So what are these Three areas ?

MINDFULNESS.- Being aware of the moment throughout the day , Bringing the attention of your mind to the NOW instead of the regurgitated thoughts and feelings of the past and conjecturing about the future, which is the wheel we get stuck in most of the time

MEDITATION- Finding a place where one can't be disturbed and a posture that allows you to calm the mind and let go into the moment -" Using the senses to go beyond the senses" Is a good phrase to ponder on and basically means using your five senses to move into the present moment. Many meditation technics use breathing as the focal point. Relaxing and
becoming aware of the feelings in your body . Focusing on listening to the sounds around you. Sensations in the body, pleasant or unpleasant, are perfect focal points for 'letting go'
into deep relaxation. Meditation is about healing the body and mind and self discovery.

VISUALIZATION- Using your imagination to create your reality. Becoming clear about how you want your life to be materially and spiritually and visualize with feeling your ideal reality manifesting now. Having a growing understanding of the law of attraction and how it works in your life. Seemingly very difficult to do but with practice becomes great fun and an extraordinary way to become aware of your feelings and change moods quickly from lower to higher.

'Surrender' is a term used that means to let go completely in your meditations. The goal of more and more people is the desire to create greater joy on Earth . The more people surrender to visions of joy and abundance the more it will manifest into our world. This I feel is starting to happen more and more and is certainly something to feel optimistic about.
The launching platform is the NOW.

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