Monday 19 May 2008


Having spent a fair percentage of my life discontented, wondering why and looking for relief, I’ve become increasingly aware that one of my main problems is the thinking process or simply “THINKING”.
The never ending preoccupation with digging up the past and projecting into the future and the huge web of fantasy and confusion this creates in every day life.
The ability to turn off the mind or even turn it down seems an impossible task - as one thought goes away another immediately takes it’s place.
” We are caught in a traffic jam of discursive thought” Chogyam Tungpa.
” A mans worst enemy can’t wish on him what he can think up himself” Yiddish proverb
The great Buddha said that to study the true way is to study ourselves. To study ourselves is to forget ourselves. So ……… What does it mean ” to forget ourselves” ?
It mean to forget our “worldly selves” or realize our true selves. A seemingly impossible considering
most of us can’t stop thinking about the past or future for even a couple of seconds.

we are living in a unique age where multitudes of techniques are available to try in the privacy of your own home or where ever you can afford to go, from New age book shops to Himalayan monasteries. There are so many choices available that offer ‘peace of mind’ that it can completely baffle the mind. It’s clear that many of these processes ( meditation, affirmation, visualization, mantras, prayers, chants, dances, songs….. ) work for an ever growing number of people in these troubled times, But also clear that the highs of the experience inevitably dissolve into the inconsistencies of daily life.
Are there ways to switch into states of stress-less tranquility? YES THERE DEFINITELY ARE!
So lets investigate and try a few.

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